There are no miracle diets, pills or strategies for making unwanted weight disappear, nor to cure your chronic illnesses, such as Lipedema or Lipo-Lymphedema. Having said that, there are ways to dramatically improve your health in the areas of pain management, weight loss, and positive self-care. In my article I will outline 13 Strategies for
I can't believe I am actually saying this, but I have successfully lost over 70 more pounds these past eight months on my quest for better health!!! I have never lost more than about 20 pounds before, and that was lymph fluid not fat. While I still have more than 200 pounds more to go,
This has been the best Christmas present ever to myself! It is my first personal update on my fight to regain my health. As many of you know I have severe stage 4 Lipo-Lymphedema along with Celiac Disease, MCAS, POTS, IBS, osteoarthritis, and leaky gut. I’ve had three recent kidney stone attacks and also believe
This is an questionable area of concern that is used by clinicians to determine your eligibility for medical treatment and products. I am talking about the use of the Body Mass Index (BMI), a measure of your height to weight ratio which attempts to calculate whether you are underweight, overweight or in a normal healthy